Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stop, Look & Listen....

Today I had the pleasure to be at home sick with Carl.  Pleasure probably raises some questions for you, but it was.  Everyday when you feel fine and life is going at its usual 100 mph pace you miss a lot.  Well, having a head cold that clogged up every hole in my head slowed me down quite a bit, but I got to do something I hadn't done in a couple of weeks probably..........just watch and listen.  I watched Carl, all his little expressions, how his mouth moves when he says certain things, how intense he gets when he pretends he's reading.  Watch him look out the window and the wonder in his eyes.  These things that happen all the time, and you wonder "When did he start doing that?".  I hope it doesn't take me to not feel well to get me to stop and look and take in this wonderful life and 4 blessings I have.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

lovely to have you to link at! hehe. and carl - oh geez, sounds like the last two weeks with oceana. suddenly she's this KID, not a baby. She's aware of stuff, changing her dolls "pooy nappy" ak! when did that happen? i realize now we have conversations all day. again, what???

its hard to slow down and not spend all my time telling her no or ignoring her when she's not right in my face demanding something...